Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Colonial Bike Ride

Training has a tendency to become monotonous if you don't mix it up. After a hard run yesterday I decided to treat myself with a ride in HISTORIC COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG! If that's not enough I also rode to HISTORIC COLONIAL JAMESTOWN!

Here are a couple of views from colony that started it all. Still learning about blogging with photos. Until this is fixed may I suggest you 'right-click' and select "view image?"

Yeah that wide open nature and gorgeous muddy swamp sure is beautiful from this very dry, sturdy bridge and causeway. No wonder they decided to land here.

A quick shot of the Governor's Mansion? Yeah that's it, it's the Governor's Mansion.
And finally, my favorite. A unique road hazard only found in places like Historic Colonial Williamsburg.
Do you feel that history just comin atcha? It was a robust ride filled with many more pungencies than just that atypical swerve inducer, although I was disappointed not to have seen any deer this trip because I'm told Williamsburg is rife with fauna.
In other, fund raising news I have hitched my wagon to California Pizza Kitchen and their cookie cutter fund raising night because they promised not only to donate 20% of food sales, but 20% of alcohol sales to my cause! It is a great way to get all of my fellow after work binge drinkers to put some money toward curing cancer. It does seem like there is a loose ironic association there because of something so bacchanal and indulgent is being used to cure a disease. We're saying that people should come out between 5-10, but it's not super important to meet all the deadlines. What is going to throw a lot of weight around is if you bring in the flier. It makes everything happen. All you have to do is eat dinner, maybe grab a drink, and then give out this flier to your server (or bartender) and they put that money in some good hands. Let's make it happen.

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